Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sickly No More

Dear God it's been crazy around here.  In the past two weeks there've been double ear infections, jaw infections with staph tendencies and bronchitis.  You could see the green fog of crud radiating from our home.  It looks like we may finally be passed the rough stuff and back on track.

I made it back to the gym this morning.  I was convinced that all the work I did in February was lost in these last two weeks.  How easy it was to revert back to old habits.  I had absolutely no problem eating nightly cheeseburgers with fries from that golden fast food chain during that 2 weeks of plague.  Going to the gym during that time wasn't an option either.  Hell, I could barely catch my breath walking up the hall, much less trying to get to the car.

In February I committed to a great routine of morning gym followed by some real, live, healthy home cooking.  Good stuff. I felt really good about it, all of it.  I was eating healthier and the food was so much tastier than the garbage I'd been putting in my body.  I was making better choices, moving better, feeling better, eating better.  And then everybody got sick.

I did not want to get out of bed this morning.  My husband let me know what time it was as he was leaving so I could get up if I wanted.  At 6:15 a.m. I crawled out of bed and got dressed.  I was convinced as I drove to the gym that this would be like starting over.  I was convinced that I would be unable to do all the things I'd worked so hard to get to in the last month.  It didn't.  I got on the treadmill and was able to walk at the same pace I'd been walking at 2 weeks ago.  I was amazed.  So I worked out this morning just like every other morning prior to the last two weeks.  Then I went to the scale.  I was convinced I'd gained back every pound.  I felt heavier walking to the scale and there was a sense of dread.  I was down 3 pounds since the end of February.  How. Did. THAT. HAPPEN????  Who knows, but I am not complaining.

So there are no excuses and these last two weeks were just that, a couple of weeks.  They didn't destroy me.  They didn't negate all my hard work.  I'm right where I left off.  I am sickly no more.  I'm down 15 pounds since February 1 and I continue my journey to a healthier life.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sharing the Love

I love starting my day with a laugh and I love great advertising.  Turns out one of my favorite blogs, The Clearly Dope, hooked me up on both fronts this morning and I feel like sharing the love.  I love this so hard.  "Your handsome-ass grandfather had one blade, and Polio.  Looking good Pop-Pop!" Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Not The Answer I Was Looking For

It was a Friday afternoon in May. I was at work and anxiously waiting to get the weekend started, however, in the back of my mind something was gnawing at me.  Had I lost track of time?  Was it the medication? I was sure it was the medication. So I contacted a friend to help me clear out my head a little.  We did the back and forth where I told her what was going on and she confirmed my thoughts and theories.

By lunch time I'd made a decision.  It was time to put this to bed.  I was sure I already knew the answer and I wanted confirmation.  There was no need in this nonsense taking up any of more of my time or energy.  I had things to do.  I was ready to put my feet up, enjoy some fellowship with friends, and take in the beautiful spring weather.

I was 33 years old.  As I got in my car to run my errand I thought - huh, this is the first time I've had to do this.  I was so sure of the answer that I refused to waste any money because of flashy names or claims.  I'll take the one for a dollar, thank you.   They were all going to give me the answer I was looking for so why waste money?

Imagine my surprise when, much to my shock and horror, the answer I was so sure I was going to get was replaced by two little blue lines...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Identity Crisis

I recently described this little blog by saying it had "an identity crisis".  I think that fits considering its author.  I started writing here several years ago but had a very hard time staying committed to the process.  I started in 2008 and I believe there were no more than 15 posts total.  Since 2009 there's been nothing, until this week.

I've gone through an incredible amount of change since 2008.  Little did I know that it was a turning point in my life.  I suppose I was in the midst of my own identity crisis.

So here I am in the beginning of 2012 and I do believe that any identity crisis, with either myself or this blog, is over.  It took figuring out where and who I am before I could really commit to anything else. I'm back on the proverbial horse...

Thursday, February 23, 2012


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

According To Plan

I'd struggled with my weight for my entire life.  I was beginning to have problems.  My legs were swelling. I had no energy. Luckily, I finally had a job with insurance and decided to get a check up. We went through the standard tests and, while they found nothing out of the ordinary, my doctor advised that i if I didn't get some weight off I would begin seeing real problems.  We also decided that I would have a sleep study done. 

I did all that was asked of me.  I went to all my appointments.  I went to the sleep study.  It was all going according to plan. The weight accounted for the leg swelling.  The sleep apnea accounted for the lack of energy.  I started on an 1800 calorie diet as advised by my doctor.  It was difficult, but I began to see results. I was right on track, or so I thought...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Move

We're doin' it. Life's been crazy. Seen lots of changes. Wouldn't have it any other way!